Monday, April 25, 2016

Part 1


Coming into this program, it was understood that the world was going to be seen.  However, I didn’t know how nonchalant it would be.  In the last two weeks I put two more countries under my belt:  Austria and Italy.  This is going to be ‘Part 1’ of my excursions from the last two weeks.  ‘Part 1’ is going to consist of our “class field trip” to Vienna and Venice.
First up: Vienna.  A quick three hour bus ride and one McDonald’s stop later, we arrive outside a beautiful hotel.  Once we gather all our things (luggage and whatnot), Jan tells us to come on; our hostel is around the corner (*eye roll* OKAY Jan).  Well, while the first day in Vienna was filled with panic, frustration, guilt, and then a nap (this is a story for another day), our second day was full of beauty.  The destination of the first excursion was the Habsburg’s castle.  The Habsburg’s were forced out of Austria, had to leave everything behind, and exiled for good (except for those that swore that they would not attempt to regain power/any possessions that were left).  Walking outside the castle was breathtaking.  It wrapped around about a four block area with a wonderful courtyard in the middle.  Inside, a museum was created.  Room after room, items from the Habsburg collection were displayed.  It was overwhelming.  In a short hour, I stood in rooms with items that all the money in the world could not buy. Literally. 

Once we left the mansion, we got to take our pick of museums we wanted to visit.  One word and my mind was made up:  DINOSAURS! Not real ones, of course, but the bones of the real ones makes it close enough.  There were dinosaurs, and cavemen, and RHINOS!! (If you don’t know me, I LOVE rhinos.)  The rest of Vienna was filled with shopping and meeting Americans outside of our group.  We went out for a drink and the whole place was filled with Americans.  I don’t think I met a single Austrian.

Next stop: Venice.  Seven hours in a bus, three stops, and a meal at Burger King looking over the water, we were there.  Jan took us on a (European style) quick trip across some of the islands.  In typical fashion, they got us there and then left us to find our way back.  The problem with Venice is that it is made up of over 180 islands; it took us over an hour and a half to get back to the hostel.  BUUUUT the best part about Venice is getting lost.  The next day, we had plans of visiting the Duke’s castle and the basilica.  The Duke’s castle awesome! There were so many weapons and armor that were so different than all the other museums and castles we had been through.  The day came to a halt when we reached the basilica.  First, we were the last four and were split off from the rest of the group. Second, we were told before that we had to have our shoulders covered, so we did, but they said that I wasn’t allowed to go in because I had shorts on.  WHAAAAAT?! So, we left.   

THE NEXT DAY WE WENT ON A REALLY LONG WALK!! (I know this is not excited and did not to be capitalized, but I need to keep you on your toes) Jan decided that he was going to take us to a museum that could have taken 20 minutes to get to, but he took us the way that took an hour.  But hey, I had 10,000 steps before 10:30 am. :D
                 After the museum, we were officially on our own for SPRING BREAK.
                                                      Stay Tuned for Part 2!

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