This week I am going to rant a little about things that are different between America and Europe. These are going to go both ways as in some are pro-American ways and some are pro-European ways. I have found that I love different parts of each and I would love to have a little of both in my life.
This is my main frustration with America. Many people that we have met here (I will not say all) have had languages other than English as their primary language. Many people I have met here know their primary language (whether it be Czech, Italian, Slovak, etc.) and at least a little bit of English. Many people I have met know their primary language, English, and others. I understand that many times it is necessary to learn other languages because most countries in Europe have their own language, and since it is so easily to travel between them, it makes communicating with those foreigners easier. However, in America we have many different languages that are spoke around us everyday. I understand that it is impossible to learn every language, but, if you think about it, we have a primary language (other than English) that is spoke throughout the country and that’s Spanish. This is a lot of uproar when people Bing up the idea of learning Spanish in school earlier than what it is being taught at now (usually around 7th grade). Learning another language is more than thrusting another culture on someone. It is about being able to communicate with other and furthering oneself. A person that is bilingual has ample more opportunities than someone that only knows one language. It’s not about culture or language at this point; it’s about opportunities.
Okay, on to the next.
European’s rely mostly on public transportation. This could be really handy or really annoying based on how you look at it. On the one hand, Olomouc is a big city (compared to Kearney) and it would be a hassle to try to get around town without having a way of transportation other than walking. It already takes us about 25 minutes to get to class with taking the tram into town. On the other hand, we are so used to having our own cars and being able to go anywhere we please whenever we want. The trams stop at midnight and don't start again until 5 am. (This may sound like no big deal, but it is.) I now know where the term “lazy Americans” comes from. Going on a “short walk” with a European often leads to me hitting my 10,000 steps before eleven in the morning. We are so used to driving right up to the building and even driving around the parking lot a couple of times just to find one closer to the entrance. I am now used to taking a tram for twenty minutes and then having to walk another thirty just to get where I want (this often involves getting lost a couple of times).
The metro (or subway) is used in the bigger cities that we often visit. I have one question: WHY DOES OMAHA NOT HAVE ONE!?! I know that many HUGE cities in America have them, but they are so useful in cities that are not walkable. America needs more public transportation in general. It makes it so much easier for the everyday user and for the tourist that needs a way of getting around. Of course there are taxis, but taxis are expensive. Buying a 48-hour pass for the metro was less than $5. Easy enough. America get on it.
Last one
Of course I am going to open the debate about free education. Would you expect anything else? Everyone knows that the members of the EU have the opportunity to go to school for free. But did you know that they also have the opportunity to go to a school in another country for free? Did you know that they can go through a program that sends them to up to THREE different countries within a two year program? FOR FREE! We live in a country full a “freedoms” that I am forever grateful for. Without them, I would no be able to write how much I HATE that my education costs $20,000 a year. I know some of you are thinking, “Cass, why are you complaining? You have scholarships. Your college is free.” BECAUSE WHAT IF I DIDN’T? What if I lived in a different town where less than 20% of my high school went onto college because of the lack of opportunities or the lack of money or the lack of hope. Fortunately, I grew up in a town that had a lot of support when it comes to college and secondary education. Why should someone that is equally (or more) qualified than me feel as though they cannot go on to achieve their goals, whatever they might be, because they cannot afford it. Many of you know that this is my passion: helping people in their adolescence. However, this, I feel, should be everyone’s passion. Free education could change the face of our country. Who says that our next president, “Albert Einstein,” or the one to cure cancer isn’t sitting in a school with minimum funding and frantically looking for any hope that they will be able to, somehow, make it to college? Free secondary education would allow those with the drive to continue and make a difference.
That is what I'm going to leave you with.